Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lemony Foot Scrub

Lemony Foot Scrub

Adapted from the foot scrub recipe in Organic Body Care recipes by Stephanie Tourles (page 272)
Makes enough for two applications.
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup oats
2 tablespoons sea salt or table salt
6 drops of lemon essential oil
Place oats in a coffee grinder, food processor, or blender.

Blend/grind until oats become a powder:

Place cornmeal, ground oats, and salt in a bowl.

Mix together to blend. Then add essential oil and stir to distribute throughout.

If giving as a gift, place in a jar or zip lock bag. If using immediately, follow the directions below.
To use: Place a ½ cup of scrub into a bowl and add water a little at a time (and stir),until a grainy paste forms.
Rub paste onto feet, paying extra attention to any rough areas.
Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Finish by applying moisturizer or body oil to your feet.
Rinse tub immediately to be sure the cornmeal doesn’t swell and clog up the drain. (We wouldn’t want that!)
If you decide to give this gift in a ziplock bag, I suggest taping the instructions to the bag (so they don’t get lost):

Then put the ziplock in a brown paper sack or something similar and add some embellishments. I’m sure you could come up with something prettier than I did!

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